Tips to help prevent a flood
6/21/2019 (Permalink)
When going on vacation, either for 2day’s or 2 months, turn water main off to house.
Keep sandbags on hand in case you need to stop any flood water coming into house.
Install “French Drains” in flower beds to drain water properly & prevent water from seeping in, Stucco absorbs water.
Keep your gutters & roof valleys clear.
Look into possible installing a back flow valve on your sewer system to help prevent sewage back up.
Check supply lines & angle stops under sinks & toilet. Also check the toilet float. Run your hand along pipes to check for any moisture. If you use a “sink sprayer” check the line often. They get a lot of use & could crack & blister.
Check your washing machine hoses often.
Check weather striping on doors. If the rain is strong enough and the weather strips are worn, rain could seep through.